Journal of biodiversity in Coleoptera

Beetles World is an occasional published journal devoted to taxonomy and to biodiversity of Coleoptera. We offer cooperation on the new description for every taxonomist from all parts of the world. All rights, including reprinting of extracts, electronic or optical reproduction and translation belonging to the publisher.
New species of the genus Neolucanus Thomson, 1862 from Vietnam and China and Dorcus Mac Leay, 1819 from Myanmar are described, pictured and compared with the related species. A photo of Epidorcus piceipennis (Westwood, 1855) is pictured first time and compared with Epidorcus gracilis (Saunders, 1854), Epidorcus andreasi (Schenk, 2009) and Epidorcus similis (Schenk, 2009). A pair of Lucanus liuyei Huang et Chen, 2010 ssp. incert. from China, western Guangxi is pictured.
Key Words: Coleoptera, Lucanidae, Neolucanus vietnamensis, Neolucanus kirsteni, Neolucanus danangensis, Neolucanus bimaculatus, Dorcus niedorfi, Epidorcus piceipennis, Epidorcus gracilis, Epidorcus andreasi, Epidorcus similis, Lucanus liuyei, China, Vietnam, Myanmar